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Mise-en-Scene Photography Assignment


I choose the prompt "Birds eye view" because as soon as I heard it, I thought of a window in my home that overlooks my backyard. I choose this specific topic because the area where the camera cuts off frequently has birds sitting on its awning. I imagined it would be brighter outside when I took this picture, but it was actually just after a rainstorm, so it wasn't like my design. I imagined I would have more of a view of the sky along with more of a side view that a bird may see, therefore this image isn't exactly what I sketched. To give the impression that a bird was looking from this location, I tried to make this as accurate as I could. It was really dark outside because it had just rained, so I chose to modify this picture to add additional brightness to make it appear less dreary. The top and bottom of this image were also cropped out because I had to capture it at a high angle to make it appear higher in the sky, which made it more realistic for the task.


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